Thursday, May 19, 2005

NFU Website Evaluation

Source evaluation
1. Who is the author?We can not find it.
2. What kind of the website? Educational Websites.
3. Does it provide e-mail on the website?No
4. Is the information well-written?Yes

1. What is the purpose of the website?It intorduce the department for users to understand.
2. Is the information presented in an objective, balanced manner?Yes
3. Does the information of website up-to-date?Yes

1. Does it spend too much time to download?NO
2. Does it easy to enter?Yes3. Does the links work?Yes

1. Does it well-structured?Yes
2. Does it easy amd claer to read and navigate?Yes
3. Does it functional?Yes, it offers many English test or training website for us to use.We can enlarge our English ablity by using it.

Source evaluation
1. Who is the author?指導老師 戴守谷 老師網管組組長 王智永網管組 陳遠達網管組 洪資閔
2. What kind of the website?Educational Website
3. Does it provide e-mail on the website?Yes.
4.Is the information well-written?Yes

1. What is the purpose of the website?it is the same as ours.
2. Is the information presented in an objective, balanced manner?Yes
3. Does the information of website up-to-date?No

1. Does it spend too much time to download?No
2. Does it easy to enter?Yes
3. Does the links work?No

1. Does it well-structured?Yes
2. Does it easy amd claer to read and navigate?Of course
3. Does it functional?Yes

website evaluation checklist

 *Links are clearly labeled. Can move from page to page easily?
 *This site offers interactivity. The visitor engages with the site.
 *This site uses appropriate page format. Pages are not inordinately long.
 *Can easily find information?
 *This site is aesthetically appealing. Good use of graphics and color.
 *This site is aesthetically courteous. Text and background colors do not clash.

 *Has a proper title.
 *Additional resource links are included.
 *Information is useful.
 *Rich content and will likely be revisited.
 *How this website compares in content to similar websites.

Technical Elements
 *All links work.
 *Thumbnail graphics used. Graphics download quickly.
 *Does the page take a long time to load?
 *Are the pictures on the page helpful?

 *Contact person is stated with their e-mail address.
 *Announces when this page was last updated. Links have been kept current.
 *Resource links used to develop content are included.
 *States the name of the host school or institution.

Tammy, Payton. Loogootee Elementary West. 3/25/98[]Web] Evaluation for Secondary Grades5/13/05

My reflection for website evaluation

After reading three articles, I have some reflection for them. I think each article gives me some suggestions or ideas to evaluation the websites, and they have a same goal- to make your website is better or the best. And I will summarize each article in the following content:

 *Practical Consideration, this article describes not only website evaluation but also many points of view about integrating internet and education. It states about the process of the schools integrate the curricula with the internet, the relative between teachers and internet, something about selecting the material from internet for students, and the criteria of a reference of website evaluation, SCAD checklist-Source Evaluation, Contents, Access, Design- I think it is more specialized and perfect reference of website evaluation and it is more appropriate to bigger website such as the websites of schools, big enterprises or government.
 *Website Evaluation-Eight Tips, this article describes eight easy tips-Reiterate the Goals and Purpose of the Site, Take an inventory, Start a spreadsheet or list, Eliminate Broken Links, Clean up Dirty or Distorted Graphics, Check your colors and Fonts, Update Your Information and Take Out the Trash- to make your website in tip-top shape. I think it is appropriate to small websites like the personal website. And I prefer to this one, “Website Evaluation- Eight Tips”,because I think it is more appropriate for me because in my small website are there a lot of evaluated items and it is easy to realize his content. Those are really basic items of website evaluation.
 *Website Evaluation Methods, this article describes four phases for website evaluation-Conceptualization, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation- and after describing someone's paper to suppose his thought, the author show his ideas-first, to realize users interact with the computer and what effects about the structure and design of the website the users have; second, to examine the design over and over again; finally, to increase the coat of the website. I think the state of this website is abstract and just tell us some big directions to do website evaluation. It can give more practical examples to explain his thought and that will make us to realize his thought easily.

Before contacting about website evaluation, I don’t really know that we must to evaluate our website and don’t know our website will have what kinds of problems and sometime we just care about the appearance of the websites and didn’t care to the content of the website. To update, check anything of the website; to take out broken and unimportant things is to make your visitors of website realizing the main ideas or purposes of the website. Make sure all about your website can work perfectly.

medium blue-search engine marketing. []helpful resources5/13/05

JOHNS HOPKINS-Center for Communication Programs.[] Website Evaluation Methods. 5/13/05

Johan, Graus. The Internet in the EFL Classroom. 10/20/99
[]An Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Internet in the EFL Classroom. 5/10/05

Benjamin, Bloom. Learning Skills Program. 9/3/2003
[]Bloom's Taxonomy. 5/13/05

Thursday, May 12, 2005

5/12 hands on practice

Evaluation of My Own Website

I think my website is too common. I think I should make my website more interaction by JavaScript. I hope I can make my webpage more specialization but I don’t know how to improve. My website’s download time is a little bit slow, because I put too many pictures. My background of website can’t reveal on this computer, I think I must to check what’s wrong about my website.

Evaluation of Ernie's Website

I think your website can add some interesting things to be livelier. When I browse you website, I feel confused about it. Your contents of website have some mistakes about links from page to page and you should give some descriptions for your links about learning and change title bar of the website, don’t reveal新網頁1, I think you can make it more personal. His contact me can’t link, you can check it what’s wrong. You can take more much time to refer some book of design website to improve you skill of design a website.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

~My Webpage~

This is the link of my webpage.

I hope you can enjoy it!!!