Thursday, March 31, 2005


Title-- Treatment not Time
Lead-- None
Body-- He's not violent, but he's definitely got a drug problem. Under California's new law, offenders like Robert Downey Jr. could get sentenced to treatment, not timeā€¦.
1.Who is the story about? drug offenders
2.What will happen? For the next five and a half years, 36 thousand drug offenders will be sentenced to treatment.
3.Where did the story take place? California
4.When did the story happen? July 7, 2001
5.Why did the event happen? The only law they broke is they are in possession of drugs. They have no other crimes at the time; they have no other violent crimes in the last five years."
6.How did the story happen? Drug testing is another tool taken away by the new law. Without jail time or drug testing to keep addicts in line.

After reading the story, I can't know the meaning of some words exactly. And then, I do all activities and I think each part help me to realize the story. But, I think Vocabulary help me more to realize this story because it explain some word which I can't realize. So, I think this is a good way to learn English for me.


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