Tuesday, March 22, 2005

about Mailing Lists

I mail to subscribe all mailing lists on page202 and 203 but I got a lot of mails of errors.
*Daily Brief- its url can't connect.
*EslList- I got a failure delivery and say the mail can't been delivered to that address.
*ESOL- Dear user,Your requestSUBSCRIBE ESOL Gina Hsiehhas been successfully processed.********** List Welcome File ******************** HOW TO POST TO THE LIST **********Welcome to list ESOL (esol@listproc.umbc.edu). The system has recordedyour address asduck1710@yahoo.com.twand since the list accepts postings from anyone, you can post to it fromany of your email addresses.********** HOW TO GET OFF THE LIST **********To sign off from the list, email to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu with the following request:signoff ESOLorunsubscribe ESOL********** GETTING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ATTRIBUTES **********You may get your current subscription attributes at any time by sending thefollowing request to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu:query ESOL********** WHERE TO SEND EMAIL **********If you want to post messages to list ESOL, you should direct your email to esol@listproc.umbc.edu, not listproc@listproc.umbc.edu. If you wish to send requests please do not send them to the list -- they will not be processed. Instead direct them to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu. Requests sent to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu should be placed in the body of the email message, not the Subject:. ListProc ignores requests in the Subject: field.You can, however, put as many requests as you like in one mail message; eachrequest should be on a line by itself. If your request is too long for yourmailer to handle, you can break it in multiple lines, but each line shouldend with the character & (ampersand). For example, here are two separaterequests:set ESOL &mail &ackhelpThe ampersands in the above example are immediately followed by carriagereturns. The above requests are equivalent to:set ESOL mail ackhelp********** LIST OWNERS **********The list's owners are ESOL-request@listproc.umbc.edu.You should contact them if there are any problems.********** YOUR LISTPROC PASSWORD **********The system has assigned you an initial password: **********You may change it by sending the following request to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu:set ESOL password ********** new-passwordwhere new-password is the new string of characters that you would liketo use as your ListProc password.WARNING: You should NOT use your login password as this is not a securemechanism.This password is to be used when connecting to this server over the Internetfor interactive processing of requests (send a 'help live' request for moreinformation)Statistics for this list are available to privileged users (e.g. owners) only.Review requests are available to privileged users (e.g. owners) only.********** ACCESS TO THE LIST'S ARCHIVES **********The list is archived regularly and many, if not all, previous postings areavailable from this server. All past mail messages are collected into(daily, monthly, etc) logs; to get a list of the available logs for this listyou may send the following request to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu:index ESOLEach line will show you the log file's name, its size, and a brief comment.You can then get any logs with the GET request. For example, if you wish toget log9611 you may send the following request to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu:get ESOL log9611Here we assume log9611 is the name of the log. Log names may not necessarilybe uniform.********** HOW TO GET MORE HELP **********To get more information on how to use this service, please send the following request to listproc@listproc.umbc.edu:HELPThere are far more options, settings, and niceties about ListProcessor(tm)and we encourage you to explore all of them; HELP should be your startingpoint.Enjoy!ListProcessor(tm)
*EXPLORE- it mail three mails to my and tell me I have some errors and I can't understand the meaning of those mails. First mail's name is that "Error Condition Re: Invalid request." Second mail's name is "SUBSCRIBE EXPLORE-1 Gina Hsieh." Third mail's name is "Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed."
*SL-LISTS- I got a failure delivery and say the mail can't been delivered to that address.
*Word.A.DAY- I don't got its mail until now, and I try to mail again.


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