Thursday, March 31, 2005


Title-- Treatment not Time
Lead-- None
Body-- He's not violent, but he's definitely got a drug problem. Under California's new law, offenders like Robert Downey Jr. could get sentenced to treatment, not time….
1.Who is the story about? drug offenders
2.What will happen? For the next five and a half years, 36 thousand drug offenders will be sentenced to treatment.
3.Where did the story take place? California
4.When did the story happen? July 7, 2001
5.Why did the event happen? The only law they broke is they are in possession of drugs. They have no other crimes at the time; they have no other violent crimes in the last five years."
6.How did the story happen? Drug testing is another tool taken away by the new law. Without jail time or drug testing to keep addicts in line.

After reading the story, I can't know the meaning of some words exactly. And then, I do all activities and I think each part help me to realize the story. But, I think Vocabulary help me more to realize this story because it explain some word which I can't realize. So, I think this is a good way to learn English for me.


Fly $$--
Total Price= NTD37254 (USD1185.65) (1 adult $1119.00+Taxes and Fees$ 61.65+Service Fee$ 5.00)
Airline company--Delta Air Lines Inc
Outbound Flight-- Sat, Sep 03, 10:40pm Depart - Taipei, Taiwan (TPE), Delta Air Lines 8940 operated by CHINA AIRLINES, 7:20pm Arrive - San Francisco, CA (SFO), Nonstop, Total Travel Time: 11 hrs 40 min
Return Flight--Fri, Sep 09, 1:35am Depart - San Francisco, CA (SFO), Delta Air Lines 8941 operated by CHINA AIRLINES, Sat, Sep 10, 5:30am Arrive - Taipei, Taiwan (TPE) Nonstop, Total Travel Time: 12 hrs 55 min
Hotel Name--Travelodge Monterey Fairgrounds
Total price--$131.32 NTD4127 (Sum of Nightly Rates: $116.60+Taxes and Fees: $14.72)
Hotel Name--Rodeway Inn South Lake Tahoe
Total price--$114.76 NTD3606 (Sum of Nightly Rates: $101.90+Taxes and Fees: $12.86)
Car Rental--
Car rental company name--Avis Rent A Car
TotalPrice =$129.98 NTD4084(1 @ $108.99 = $108.99 +Taxes & Fees = $20.99)
Car type--Chevrolet Cavalier or similar(Economy Car Automatic with Air Conditioning)

I have to prepare NTD 49071

Thursday, March 24, 2005

3-24 Answer...

Website- Ask Jeeves
Keywords- How the Internet Works
Book status (used/new)- Used
Price- US$ 1.00
Handling charge- none
Shipping charge- US$ 8.99(Taiwan), US$ 2.99(U.S.A.)
Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your bookorder is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.
Delivery method- Shipping methods are entirely up to each bookseller.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

about Mailing Lists

I mail to subscribe all mailing lists on page202 and 203 but I got a lot of mails of errors.
*Daily Brief- its url can't connect.
*EslList- I got a failure delivery and say the mail can't been delivered to that address.
*ESOL- Dear user,Your requestSUBSCRIBE ESOL Gina Hsiehhas been successfully processed.********** List Welcome File ******************** HOW TO POST TO THE LIST **********Welcome to list ESOL ( The system has recordedyour address since the list accepts postings from anyone, you can post to it fromany of your email addresses.********** HOW TO GET OFF THE LIST **********To sign off from the list, email to with the following request:signoff ESOLorunsubscribe ESOL********** GETTING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ATTRIBUTES **********You may get your current subscription attributes at any time by sending thefollowing request to ESOL********** WHERE TO SEND EMAIL **********If you want to post messages to list ESOL, you should direct your email to, not If you wish to send requests please do not send them to the list -- they will not be processed. Instead direct them to Requests sent to should be placed in the body of the email message, not the Subject:. ListProc ignores requests in the Subject: field.You can, however, put as many requests as you like in one mail message; eachrequest should be on a line by itself. If your request is too long for yourmailer to handle, you can break it in multiple lines, but each line shouldend with the character & (ampersand). For example, here are two separaterequests:set ESOL &mail &ackhelpThe ampersands in the above example are immediately followed by carriagereturns. The above requests are equivalent to:set ESOL mail ackhelp********** LIST OWNERS **********The list's owners are should contact them if there are any problems.********** YOUR LISTPROC PASSWORD **********The system has assigned you an initial password: **********You may change it by sending the following request to ESOL password ********** new-passwordwhere new-password is the new string of characters that you would liketo use as your ListProc password.WARNING: You should NOT use your login password as this is not a securemechanism.This password is to be used when connecting to this server over the Internetfor interactive processing of requests (send a 'help live' request for moreinformation)Statistics for this list are available to privileged users (e.g. owners) only.Review requests are available to privileged users (e.g. owners) only.********** ACCESS TO THE LIST'S ARCHIVES **********The list is archived regularly and many, if not all, previous postings areavailable from this server. All past mail messages are collected into(daily, monthly, etc) logs; to get a list of the available logs for this listyou may send the following request to ESOLEach line will show you the log file's name, its size, and a brief comment.You can then get any logs with the GET request. For example, if you wish toget log9611 you may send the following request to ESOL log9611Here we assume log9611 is the name of the log. Log names may not necessarilybe uniform.********** HOW TO GET MORE HELP **********To get more information on how to use this service, please send the following request to are far more options, settings, and niceties about ListProcessor(tm)and we encourage you to explore all of them; HELP should be your startingpoint.Enjoy!ListProcessor(tm)
*EXPLORE- it mail three mails to my and tell me I have some errors and I can't understand the meaning of those mails. First mail's name is that "Error Condition Re: Invalid request." Second mail's name is "SUBSCRIBE EXPLORE-1 Gina Hsieh." Third mail's name is "Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed."
*SL-LISTS- I got a failure delivery and say the mail can't been delivered to that address.
*Word.A.DAY- I don't got its mail until now, and I try to mail again.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

3/17 ANS

Grover Cleveland
Keywords: President +Caldwell +born
Ebola virus in Zaire, Africa
Keywords: Ebola +virus +name
350 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY Fifth Avenue between W. 33rd and W. 34th Streets
Keywords: Empire State Building
Johan Vaaler in 1899
Keywords: invent +"paper clip"
Chile in 1960
Keywords: earthquake +largest +recorded

I search each question in Yahoo!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

I got some trouble about Internet English~~

Dear Nicole~

I'm Gina56. (Night AFL)
I left my comments for no.1 and no.2 yesterday. Although Annie had already told me that I must leave comments for Ernie today, I always can’t connect to Ernie’s blog. I think his blog have some problems and I don’t know I should leave my comments for which number (another one). So, may I leave my comment for no.1 and no.2 this time and I will leave my comments for Ernie and another one next time.
p.s. Could you tell me another student number which I must leave my comments?

Thank you!!

Friday, March 11, 2005


I spend a lot of time to post messages on blog!! I think this blog have some problems!!
Now, do my homework~~ i must get up early tomorrow!! T^T

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Ans 2.

If you use quotation mark, the search engines will refer you keyword completely and collect information perfect.
If you don’t use quotation mark, the search engine will refer your keyword separately.



All have search engines.

Locos: their pages were classified according to subcategories e.g. Web, People, News….
Excite: it is more complex. Many options mix in one main page. It’s similar to yahoo.
Ixquick: it’s easy to use. Just search information. It’s similar to google.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


My computer can't work!!


Thursday, March 03, 2005

test !!


what do I want to learn from this course?

I want to realize more about Internet English and how to apply English well on Internet.